Monday, April 16, 2007

OFDM and CDMA readings!

Aung ko ko thet asked me recommended reading for OFDM...though it would be more convenient to give him web space which described OFDM technology, i find most of web spaces are kind of useless in the sense that some are too oversimplied to get the essense of the technology.... on the other hand too appeal to mathematics for a begineer to this field to i think these books will work for u cos they takes u from the into and i find them great help for me....... u can get these two books from NTU or NUS library....btw NTU books are borrowed by me....

1. OFDM and MC-CDMA : a primer Hanzo, Lajos,

2. Theory and applications of OFDM and CDMA : wideband wireless communications Schulze, Henrik, Dr.

btw hope u find them interesting cos u are looking for CDMA also right?

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

lunch time thoughts 2

may be... that sort of my unsatiable attitude is inherited by my grandfather. i am always finding faults of others underneath my mind (even when i cant find faults, i always subtitle abt events around me ) and always thinking i would do this way in this time and circumstances if i were u. am i too regarding myself high or am i seeing them from my personal dimensions. do they have other dimentions? people say different people have differnet dimensions. i am not sure abt this. all i believe is we all live in same numbers of dimensions. but i may miss some dimensions when i think likewise u may do. but i am also trying to include as many as i can by the time i think..................

i asked my colleages abt if i could do undergrad Math course in US with my current status. i dont know how i come out of this idea. actually i am feeling not very well with my current Math ability. i couldnt fullfil my desire with Math up to now.... yea i am doing what i should do... not that i want to do........